

Report Scope and Boundary

Process for defining report content
Materiality for purposes of the GRI report content is a function of the perceived level of importance of an issue to stakeholders, and the significance of the economic, environmental, and/or social impact. No effort to prioritize topics within the report is taken. The report intentionally follows the GRI G3.1 template in order to aid readers in their ability to find information easily.

Boundary of the report
The report covers the entire DKG Group. If only part of the company is meant as an example or due to the availability of data, this is clearly indicated.

Specific limitations on the scope or boundary of the report, if any
There are no specific limitations on the scope or boundary of the report. All relevant economic, environmental or social effects of the company based on the GRI guidelines have been discussed insofar as corresponding information was available.

Basis for reporting on joint ventures, subsidiaries, leased facilities, outsourced operations and other entities
The DKG Group is a diversified international group of companies and initiatives with operations in different divisions, we apply due diligence and we take responsibility on what we report on the activities of our partners or suppliers.

Explanation of the effect of any re-statements of information provided in earlier reports, and the reasons for such re-statement
There are no statements which require adjustment

Significant changes from previous reporting periods
This is the first report to comply with the GRI G3.1 guidelines at the C level

GRI Content Index
This report follows the format of the GRI Level C Reporting Template. 

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