

Product Responsibility

DKG Group has committed to publicly share its views on the principles that are the foundation for product safety legislation or regulation. Consistent with our commitment to the principles, we support the development of responsible, science-based laws, regulations, standards, practices and procedures that safeguard the community, workplace and environment.

DRIKA Farm (member of DKG Group) and all of our clients embrace a strong commitment to growing sustainable products by applying Good Agricultural Practices (G.A.P) in order to increase the quality, the taste and quantity of their
crops, and to promote safe and efficient working practice.

Apart, each of our client's products has the ability to trace the history, use or location of a product by means of registered identifications that is vital for consumer’s safety.

Life cycle stages
DKG use process to evaluate health and safety issues across the lifecycle of its products and services. Through this process, possible risks to human health and the environment are identified.

These lifecycle stages include:

Sustainable production
Basalt, the raw material for stone wool, is extracted according to strict environmental regulations and in non-protected areas. The volcanic rock is turned into stone wool substrate by means of a certified process. Recycling stone wool after use means that less new basalt is required.

Sustainable cultivation
DRIKA Farm (member of DKG Group) and all of our clients have a responsibility to practice sustainable cultivation. These sustainable growing practices and compliance with Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) ensure that greenhouses have limited environmental impact. Plants are grown in Grodan rockwool. Growing in this material means our plants can stretch their roots, and we can feed them water and nutrients directly where they need it – on their roots – rather than on their leaves or on other parts of the soil. Growing hydroponically means we feed our plants only as much nutrients as they need for optimum growth. Our growing methods mean we don’t use herbicides. A plastic sheet, which suppresses weeds from growing up through our crops, covers the soil in our greenhouses. At the end of each growing season, the plastic sheet is removed to allow for a proper cleaning of the greenhouse. This cleaning ensures no pests or plant diseases from the previous crop are carried into the new growing season. To keep pests at bay we use biological controls. We’re leaders in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) to protect plants from bad bugs and diseases. Our growers introduce predatory insects – like ladybugs – and mites to eliminate harmful pests.

Sustainable recycling
A sustainable end of life solutions. Used substrate slabs, blocks and plugs are recycled into new stone wool products or used in the production of bricks, cement, potting compost, or soil improvers. The plastic sheet is separated from the stone wool and used in the plastics industry to manufacture dashboards for the automotive industry.

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